What is the fruit of these teachings? Only the most beautiful and proper harvest of the truly educated - tranquility, fearlessness, and freedom. We should not trust the masses who say only the free can be educated, but rather the lovers of wisdom who say that only the educated are free.

- Epictetus, Discourses, 2.1.21-23a

Why subscribe to The Qualitative Inquisition?

Thank you for visiting this Substack Newsletter! I’m excited about building community here with other scholars, researchers, practitioners, and anyone who have a passion for qualitative social science research methods, and understand the potential of qualitative inquiry to advance our critical thinking on global issues.

“The Qualitative Inquisition (QI),” will explore the philosophy and science of qualitative inquiry. In addition to navigating tools, techniques, insights, and guidance on qualitative and mixed methods research, current events and pertinent case studies from various parts of the world will be examined from the lens of the qualitative methodologist…aka, “the Qualitative inquisitor” (Qi).

Qualitative Methods, particularly fieldwork, were the foundation of my doctoral studies. Given my area of focus has been in international development policy and fragile and conflict-affected states, I will offer insights into the applicability, of qualitative analysis in these areas, and how qualitative methods and inquiry have informed improvements in fragile and conflict-affected contexts and can be valued for impact evaluations, assessing program efficacy in the context of fragility. Further, the insights generated from this newsletter can extend to other regions, alongside various topics for social and political science.

Please subscribe to get full access to this newsletter, “The Qualitative Inquisition.”

Who am I?

I’m a social scientist, academic, passionate about all things “Qualitative.” I'm also a seasoned development policy scholar with expertise in fragile and conflict-affected states, with a focus on foreign aid effectiveness in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I am originally from Oshkosh, Wisconsin. My family origins are Pakistani-Indian. My story of falling into the disciplines of global studies, political science, and public policy, as well as the quest to understand complex social, economic, and political problems through academic pursuits and qualitative inquiry, begins from there.

With a PhD in Public Policy, my specialization is primarily International Development Policy with regional foci in South Asia and the Middle East. I also specialized in advanced qualitative social science research methods, where I developed a strong affinity for social network science and qualitative fieldwork.

In this first piece on Medium, I wrote some lessons about Conducting Qualitative Fieldwork in Pakistan. I hope to expand on many of those lessons, in future publications and here in this newsletter.

You may learn more about me here: www.elsatkhwaja.com

As an International Development Policy Scholar with several years of experience in the practice, I am offering consulting services as well, some connected to the theme of this newsletter. You can find more information here: Elsatkhwaja.com/services/

I also write on Medium on various topics connected to social issues, personal development, leadership, academic and PhD life, mental health awareness, and other topics within public policy and international affairs. I will share the friend links on this Substack. If you are on Medium, please do follow me here: https://medium.com/@elsatalatkhwaja

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Never miss an update. This will be a twice-monthly newsletter initially, and eventually a weekly newsletter.

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As a “Qualitative inquisitor (Qi),” be an integral part of a community of scholars, researchers, and practitioners who share your enthusiasm, interests, and passions in Qualitative Methodology!

To learn more about me, please visit Meet QI Founder.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Thank you for visiting this Substack, and I look forward to our collaborative qualitative journey together through “The Qualitative Inquisition!”

“All your scholarship would be in vain if at the same time you do not build your character and attain mastery over your thoughts and your actions.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Subscribe to The Qualitative Inquisition

A newsletter exploring the philosophical and transformative power of Qualitative Social Science Research Methods.


I am a Social Scientist, Public Policy Scholar, International Development Consultant, Qualitative Methodologist, Writer, Artist, and Warrior KQueen on a journey for authenticity, inclusion, and reimagining academic excellence.