
We will update this page periodically with each edition to include resources and references made in the newsletters, including in-text citations and book references (both academic and professional). Starting with the 5th edition, all newsletters going forward will include a link for resources. The aim is to compile a list of resources relevant to the various topics explored in qualitative social science research methods.

Book Recommendations


The Professional Stranger: An Informal Introduction to Ethnography, by Michael H. Agar

Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach, by Joseph A. Maxwell

The Book Proposal Book, by Laura Portwood Stacer

The Academic Job Search Handbook, by Julie Miller Vick, Jennifer S. Furlong, and Rosanne Luric

Method Meets Art: Arts-based Research Practice, by Patricia Leavy

Reflexivity: The Essential Guide, by Tim May and Beth Perry

Professional and Personal Development

The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and The Art of Living, by Ryan Holiday

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

Building a Second Brain, by Tiago Forte

Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life, by Jim Kwik

Feel Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You, by Ali Abdaal

Anti-Fragile, Things That Gain from Disorder, Nassim Nicholas Taleh

The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity, by Julia Cameron

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5th Edition: Harnessing Creativity and Authenticity in the Qualitative Inquisition

Bailey, C., White, C., & Pain, R. (1999). Evaluating qualitative research: dealing with the tension between ‘science’ and ‘creativity’. Area, 31, 169-178.

Balmer, A. (2021). Painting with data: Alternative aesthetics of qualitative research. The Sociological Review, 69, 1143 - 1161.

Deacon, S. (2000). Creativity within Qualitative Research on Families: New Ideas for Old Methods. The Qualitative Report, 4, 1-11.

Janesick, V. (2001). Intuition and Creativity: A Pas de Deux for Qualitative Researchers. Qualitative Inquiry, 7, 531 - 540.

Konecki, K. (2019). Creative Thinking in Qualitative Research and Analysis. Qualitative Sociology Review.

Long, H. (2014). An Empirical Review of Research Methodologies and Methods in Creativity Studies (2003–2012). Creativity Research Journal, 26, 427 - 438.

Mason, J. (2006). Mixing methods in a qualitatively driven way. Qualitative Research, 6, 25 - 9.

Sacchetti, F. (2019). Creativity as a Methodological dimension of Social Research between Quantity and Quality. Revista Latinoamericana de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales.

6th Edition: Reflexivity: A Tool for Self-Awareness in Qualitative Inquiry

Finlay, L. (2002). “Outing” the Researcher: The Provenance, Process, and Practice of Reflexivity. Qualitative Health Research, 12, 531 - 545.

Holmes, A. (2020). Researcher Positionality - A Consideration of Its Influence and Place in Qualitative Research - A New Researcher Guide. Shanlax International Journal of Education.

Lu, H., & Hodge, W. (2019). Toward multi-dimensional and developmental notion of researcher positionality. Qualitative Research Journal.

Olmos-Vega, F., Stalmeijer, R., Varpio, L., & Kahlke, R. (2022). A practical guide to reflexivity in qualitative research: AMEE Guide No. 149. Medical Teacher, 45, 241 - 251.

Piedra, L. (2023). Positionality—An analytical building block. Qualitative Social Work, 22, 611 - 618.

Pillow, W. (2003). Confession, catharsis, or cure? Rethinking the uses of reflexivity as methodological power in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 16, 175 - 196.

Perry, B., & May, T. (2017). Reflexivity: The Essential Guide.

7th Edition: Identity in Qualitative Research

Cassell, C. (2005). Creating the interviewer: identity work in the management research process. Qualitative Research, 5, 167 - 179.

Hong, J., & Francis, D. (2020). Unpacking complex phenomena through qualitative inquiry: The case of teacher identity research. Educational Psychologist, 55, 208 - 219.

Roger, K., Bone, T., Heinonen, T., Schwartz, K., Slater, J., & Thakrar, S. (2018). Exploring Identity: What We Do as Qualitative Researchers. The Qualitative Report, 23, 532-546.

Saldaña, R., Stewart, E., Lesley, M., & Beach, W. (2022). Perspectives on Cultivating a Qualitative Researcher's Identity. Methodological Innovations in Research and Academic Writing.